Objectives and Goals
As a catechist to young children, our goals can be summarized in four words: information, formation, instruction, and participation. We share information about the life of faith with the child through age appropriate explanations and activities. Through simple prayer activities, we are involved in the formation of the young child’s relationship with God. Through the introduction to Scripture, sacramental rituals, and other Catholic practices, we continue the instruction of the young child in Catholic faith.
We introduce the children to the Bible and Bible stories. Prayer and conversations with God and about God are part of our daily routine. In our classroom we have a prayer table that holds a crucifix, a set of rosary beads, a container of holy water and a candle. We teach the children the Sign of the Cross, the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be and we say Grace before meals. Weekly formal Religion lessons offer opportunities for discussion and reflection. Written responses allow the children to express their individual understanding and growth in the life of faith.
Assessments include voluntary participation in class discussions and calling on everyone to respond verbally at their own level. Formal lessons involve children completing an activity page and an individual discussion with a teacher regarding their response.