- St. Bernadette School
- PK4-5
Objectives and Goals
As a catechist to young children, our goals can be summarized in four words: information, formation, instruction, and participation. We share information about the life of faith with the child through age appropriate explanations and activities. Through simple prayer activities, we are involved in the formation of the young child’s relationship with God. Through the introduction to Scripture, sacramental rituals, and other Catholic practices, we continue the instruction of the young child in the Catholic faith.
A child is never too young to hear about creation, about God's love, about Jesus, and about the many wonderful Bible stories. There is no specific order in which stories need to be told. Every story helps us to get to know what God is like, what we are like, and the way God wants us to live.
When teaching the Bible one can use three progressive steps:
- telling the details of the Bible story everyday in our daily routine;
- adding a spiritual lesson;
- applying the truths of God's Word to everyday life.
Facts, Truths, and Application build on each other as the child progresses from infancy to adulthood.
Assessments include participation in formal and informal discussions with fellow classmates and teachers, small and large group activities, and completion of workbook pages. Students will demonstrate self-direction and independence while using their thinking and problem solving skills.