- St. Bernadette School
- PK4-5
Objectives and Goals
Students will understand the meanings, uses, and representations of numbers through counting in sequence to 10 and beyond, developing flexibility in counting, including counting forwards and backwards, one-to-one correspondence, awareness of numbers and their uses. They will associate number names, quantities, and written numerals, recognize and use different ways to represent numbers. Children will develop an understanding of common numerical relations such as compare and order groups of objects using words such as more, fewer, less, same, understand meanings of operations, solve and create number stories using concrete modeling, explore part-whole relationships, for example, 5 is made of 2 and 3, collect and represent data in a variety of ways focusing on concrete and pictorial representations, use graphs to answer simple questions, distinguish and describe size attributes, including length, weight, and capacity or volume, compare objects according to various size attributes, become familiar with standard measuring tools and their uses, and begin to understand the concept of measurement units and the idea that measurement can be quantified
- Build on children’s natural interest in mathematics and their intuitive and informal mathematical knowledge.
- Encourage inquiry and exploration to foster problem solving and mathematical reasoning.
- Use both intentionally planned experiences and everyday activities as natural vehicles for developing children’s mathematical knowledge.
- Provide a mathematically rich environment, which includes manipulatives, blocks, puzzles, number books and board games, and incorporate the language of mathematics throughout the day.
- Use literature to introduce mathematical concepts then reinforce with hands-on activities.
- Establish a partnership with parents and other caregivers in supporting children’s learning of mathematics.
Encourage children’s strategies and build on them as ways of developing more general ideas and systematic approaches. By asking questions that lead to clarifications, extensions and the development of new understandings, teachers can facilitate children’s mathematics learning. The program seeks to ensure interesting problems and stimulating math conversations are a part of each day, and mathematical concepts are integrated throughout all learning centers. It is also important to honor individual children’s thinking and reasoning and use formative assessment to plan instruction that allows the students to connect new math skills with what they know.