- St. Bernadette School
- Kindergarten
Mrs. Guerriero & Mrs. Dalbec Mrs. Deastlov & Mrs. JordanSchedule
Hours? 8:15 - 3:00
How Many Days/Week? 5 Days per week
Optional Extended Day? 3:00 - 6:00 You can register for extended day any or all of the days your student attends Kindergarten.
Number of Teachers? One full-time teacher and one full-time Kindergarten Aide for each Kindergarten (there are two classes)
Kindergarten students learn basic Catholic morals and values as they interact each day with teachers and peers. Students develop a sense of respect for themselves and others as they build meaningful relationships with others. The Golden Rule is an underlying theme as students strive to make good and right choices, as well as learn from their mistakes. Students learn to love others as Jesus has loved them, and this is displayed by acts of kindness, expressions of empathy, and the desire to help each other and those less fortunate.
Writing, Reading, and Language Arts
The Kindergarten reading, writing and language arts curriculum focuses on immersing students in a print-rich environment that develops oral language skills, phonological awareness, print awareness, vocabulary, fluency, an appreciation and understanding of literature, and a love of reading and writing.
The Kindergarten Math curriculum provides rigorous content focused on building deep conceptual understanding of key math skills and concepts. Explicit and systematic instruction adheres to rigorous educational standards so that instruction is thorough and complete. Topics covered at the Kindergarten level include: Counting and Cardinality; Number and Operations in Base 10; Operations and Algebraic Thinking; Geometry; and Measurement and Data.
The Kindergarten science program offers a balance of hands-on experiences and science content. Through the use of Nancy Larson Science, we introduce all three main science areas of life, physical, and earth and space with more emphasis on life and physical science.
Social Studies
Social Studies in Kindergarten is a hands-on program which builds a solid foundation of essential social studies skills and concepts through the use of Nystrom: Exploring Where and Why program. Our Social Studies unit begins with a unit on families. The students learn about each other and get to know each other. In addition, students learn about the various cultures, cultural celebrations, and holidays within the classroom, developing multicultural awareness and sensitivity.