Advancement News 
The 2020 Magazine & Catalog Drive

Extended to Friday, October 30th!

Alert New Fundraising Goal: $27,000

The SBS community has come together to support this important fundraiser.  To date an amazing, $23,148 worth of items have been sold. I know we can surpass last year's $26,000.  In order to do this, the Fall Magazine and Catalog Fundraising Campaign is extended to Friday, October 30th.  To limit daily in-person contact, the next prize distribution will be Friday, October 30th.   If you are a remote learner, please contact Megan Kelleher at mkelleher@stb-school.org to schedule a prize pick up date.

Remember, 40% of your monetary order goes toward your
Fair Share points!

No Paper Orders - Shop Online - Go To the Links and Register

Magazines: www.gaschoolstore.com
Use Our Own ID # 2591261

For More Gifts: www.Shopfund.com

 Register and Share with Friends and Family!

Together we can reach our goal!

Click Here for Instructions

Click Here for Prize Information

Please contact Megan Kelleher, Advancement Director 
at mkelleher@stb-school.org with any questions.  

Support SBS!
A limited number of SBS Masks are still available!
Two former St. Bernadette School students have created the Protect and Affect company, which creates facemasks for schools and donates a portion of the proceeds back to the school. 

SBS Face Masks are now available in youth and adult sizes.  For each mask you purchase St. Bernadette School will receive $2.